5 Useful Ways To Boost Website In Bing

It is fact that few weeks back an online market research report discloses some useful statistics which recommend that the Bing association has increased its market share upto 30.5% in the United States which is nearly half of the market share of Google. Moreover Bing has signed an agreement with Baidu, a very famous Chinese Search Engine, to rule its SERPs for English queries. It is absolutely mandatory for bloggers and SEO professionals to take Bing into reflection to confirm that their websites are well optimized for Bing and they have the possibility to get high rankings on the network “powered by Bing”.

In this article we will thoroughly focus for you on how to optimize your website for Bing. These 5 important tips can help you to obtain required search engine positions on the search results. The main benefit of these 5 important tips is that they are common in SEO and will also work for Google.

Upgrade your CTR (Click Through Rate)
CTR is really crucial if you take a glimpse at Google rankings than CTR plays a supreme role in it as well, Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager with Bing’s Webmaster Program, has invariably count CTR site improvement in his past Bing focuses on user interaction with the search results. From one of his past interviews he had revealed that “Bing would love to see if your result in a #1, does it get a click and does the user come back to us within a logical timeframe or do they come back almost immediately?”. This was also committed at SMX East Company by official head Steve Tullis, who is posted at Senior Program Manager Post in Bing.

If you have capable CTR rate for your website you will surely improve your SERP and Bing also brings into account the click through rate and used it as a Ranking signal.

Reduce your Bounce Rate 
Bounce rate displays the percentage of visitors who enter the website and “bounce” (leave the website) rather than continue surfing on other pages within the same website. The Bounce Rate is more crucial now in SEO since it was utilized by the search engines as a caliber content signal. Bing not only considers the CTR account but it also calculates the timeframe between the click of the user on a particular search result and his come back on the SERPs. The calculation goes this way only, if the sum amount of time was smaller than a minute or a few seconds; this means that the specific generated result is not helpful for the visitor. Attaining times higher than 1 minute or 60 seconds suggest that your site is gripping and is useful for the users which they are searching for.

Daily visit to Bing’s Webmaster Center
The Webmaster Center of Bing is a cost service and a knowledge base which permits you to learn and judge valuable statistics about your site, website improvement, scan how many impressions and clicks you received on SERPs, arrange your crawling rate, submit sitemaps and RSS feeds, arrange that way, Bing Indexes your website, scan your Organic Traffic etc. By utilizing this tool and examine its results is completely important in order to improve your SERPs rankings. Moreover by appraising the given information you can get meaningful insights on how fascinating your site in the eyes of its users.

Write and Build Quality Content
Content has supreme power and it helps you to raise your CTR as well. Try to anchor your visitors in mind while you begin with writing something because as number of search engines, Bing algorithm tries to arrange which pages contain top quality content and which contain low quality content. If you have blog to assemble traffic on your website you must use most aggressive search terms of your service or brand in title and as well as in content. Normally while advancing your website you must always keep in mind that only way of developing a successful and ever-lasting SEO campaign, you should mainly focus on solid and meaningful content. Quality content is directly means that content should be unique, correctly written, clears all doubts and makes user to interact or share it on social media.

On-page Optimization
On-page Optimization is the another important thing for website as you should have Title, ALT attribute Image tag and Meta description with schema tags to ameliorate in SERPs of Bing.  Onsite optimization procedures are same as in Google and Bing, as predicted Bing weights a plenty the Title so writing short (minimum 65 characters), illustrative and rich-keyword HTML titles is a compulsory. Meta descriptions are also crucial for Bing so make secure that you write descriptions that defines accurately and adequately all content of the page. Also confirm that they are grapping for the users since they normally appear on the snippet and can influence the CTR.


5 Responses to “5 Useful Ways To Boost Website In Bing”

  1. Lucas says:

    My 16 year old grandson reetncly attended a rock concert and was picked up and surfed accross a wave of people resulting in him being thrown against the stage and breaking his ankle so severely that an ambulance was called. He is having surgery to have two plates put on both sides of his ankle which may result in permanent disabling problems in the future to come. The back of his purchased ticket into the concert there is a disclaimer. Does that disclaimer hold strong in court from getting medical bills paid and such?

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